Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day?

Mother's Day is not one of my favorite holidays. What's that, you want to know why? Mind your own goddamned business. I would have told you if I wanted you to know. Anyway... if you're anything like me, you're looking for a way to be able to enjoy the holiday again. I have found the only way that my black heart (it's from a transplant) will ever be able to enjoy this day again.

That's right, pictures of kittens nursing:

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Brief Life of Kimi Kobayashi

This post was written under the assumption that you've heard about the Peter Coffin-Kimi Kobayashi twitter debacle. If you haven't, then you can read about it here.

I know I'm a few days late with all of this, but I was away last week for a funeral and missed all of the hubbub. I'm certainly no fan of Peter Coffin's, but I really think that people have some of the story wrong. All of the evidence certainly seems to point to Kimi Kobayashi being a creation of Peter's, and I'm not trying to change your mind about that. I just feel that some of the details have been left out. This is the part that you're probably not hearing anywhere else.
There's some back story I need to get out of the way first. My name is Jack, and I write for a few twitter accounts. I write @RPuttz (formerly PattisonRobert), in addition to my personal account (and a few others). I first encountered Kimi on my RPuttz account. She tweeted a few Twilight jokes at me and I retweeted one or two of them. Then I looked at her page, and thought she was funny, so I started following her.
Kimi and I sent some direct messages back and forth on twitter. I told her that if there was any justice in the world, that she would have more followers than me (She had less than 1,000 followers when I first encountered her). I asked her outright if she was really a girl, and she insisted she was. "Haven't you seen all my pictures?" I was satisfied enough with that response; after all, I was just looking to network with other funny people. It wasn't like I was trying to date some chick I met on twitter.
I think back to some of those early direct message conversations, and it's weird to think that it was some guy writing back to me, desperately trying to convince me that he was a woman. Let me tell you, he wasn't just flying by the seat of his pants; he knew who this girl was. I can remember her writing to me one night after  posting (and quickly deleting) some "drunk tweets." She seemed like a fairly normal, insecure girl in conversation. She seemed strangely mature for her age, which should have thrown up some red flags, but I chose not to believe that someone was creating this girl. I couldn't figure out why anyone would. At worst, I thought that the girl in those pictures was a friend of the girl writing all the tweets.
She continued to amuse me with her tweets, and I wanted to share them, but they weren't the right kind of jokes to share on the RPuttz twitter. I tried to stick with a certain niche for that account, and most of her jokes were wrong for it. I decided to start following and retweeting her with @NotGaryBusey (formerly GaryJBusey), an account that I co-created and contribute to. Once Busey gave her a few RTs, her account grew from a couple thousand followers to over ten thousand, and kept growing. At the time, all I had ever heard of Peter Coffin was an occasional retweet by Kimi (which I never found funny). Then one day, she announced that she was dating Peter.
End of back story.
Here's what I'm hearing from everyone who talks about this story: "Peter Coffin created a girlfriend for himself on twitter." I disagree. Peter Coffin created an alternate account on twitter, which quickly surpassed his own account in popularity. I don't know why, but for some reason the things he says are funnier coming from an Asian woman. I highly doubt he created Kimi with the intention of making her his twitter girlfriend. If anything, I bet he made a hot girl on twitter to laugh at (and mess with) all the guys who hit on her.
I don't think he ever believed that Kimi's account would blow up, but when her popularity eclipsed Peter's, he tried to think of a way to use that to draw attention to himself. Retweeting his own jokes on her page didn't seem to be working too well. He couldn't come out and say, "Hi, my name is Peter and I created this account. You should all follow me now!" That probably would have infuriated a large portion of Kimi's mostly male following. The decision to start dating his own creation probably seemed like his only choice. Maybe if Kimi vouched for him, it would give him some cred with all her followers. That obviously was working for him, so he also had to create a youtube account for her to help boost his own. He just didn't know where to stop.
I actually feel kind of bad for the guy. Don't get me wrong, it was a super douchey thing to do. But all he wanted was to find a way to get some credit for something he created, and he chose a bad way to go about it. As a guy with a bit of an ego myself, I can empathize with that. Hell, posting this is the first time I've acknowledged to my RPuttz followers that I'm the guy who writes it. Hopefully, the fact that I write him as an obvious parody instead of trying to pass him off as a real person will earn me some leniency.

As always, you can send your hate tweets to me on twitter or leave nasty messages on my facebook wall.